Children, Science fiction, Adventure, Drama89 Mins2014PG
After a construction project begins in their neighborhood, best friends Tuck (Brian "Astro" Bradley), Alex (Teo Halm) and Munch (Reese C. Hartwig) begin receiving strange, encoded messages on their cell phones. They immediately inform their parents and the authorities, but when no one takes them seriously, the youths decide to crack the code themselves and trace the messages to their source. The youths' curiosity leads them to a robotic extraterrestrial who desperately needs their help.
- Amusing
- Creative
- Fascinating
Brian "Astro" Bradleyas Tuck
Teo Halmas Alex
Reese C. Hartwigas Munch
Ella Linnea Wahlestedtas Emma
Jason Gray-Stanfordas Dr. Lawrence Madsen