While We're Young
Two charming hipsters shake up the lives of a middle-aged filmmaker and his wife.
Middle-aged filmmaker Josh Srebnick (Ben Stiller) and his wife, Cornelia (Naomi Watts), are happily married, but stuck in a rut. So, when free-spirited couple Jamie (Adam Driver) and Darby (Amanda Seyfried) enter their lives, it's like a breath of fresh air -- especially for Josh, who pines for a youth he wishes he had. Soon, Josh and Cornelia are ditching friends their own age to hang out with the hipsters -- but whether the friendship can endure despite a 20-year age gap remains to be seen.
Ben Stilleras Josh Srebnick
Naomi Wattsas Cornelia Srebnick
Adam Driveras Jamie
Amanda Seyfriedas Darby
Charles Grodinas Lesley Breitbart