Deranged suitor (Mark Wahlberg) torments teen girl's (Reese Witherspoon) family and friends.
When 16-year-old Nicole Walker (Reese Witherspoon) meets 23-year-old David McCall (Mark Wahlberg) at a Seattle nightclub, she falls in love. David is exciting and charming, and despite the wide age gap, he wins over Nicole's family -- except for her workaholic father, Steven (William Petersen), who's suspicious of David from the start. His concerns are realized when David turns out to be a violent sociopath who sees Nicole as his possession, and her family home a fortress to be invaded.
Mark Wahlbergas David McCall
Reese Witherspoonas Nicole Walker
William Petersenas Steve Walker
Amy Brennemanas Laura Walker
Alyssa Milanoas Margo Masse