Horror113 Mins1999R
This disturbing Japanese thriller follows Aoyama (Ryo Ishibashi), a widower who decides to start dating again. Aided by a film-producer friend (Jun Kunimura), Aoyama uses auditions for a fake production to function as a dating service. When Aoyama becomes intrigued by the withdrawn, gorgeous Asami (Eihi Shiina), they begin a relationship. However, he begins to realize that Asami isn't as reserved as she appears to be, leading to gradually increased tension and a harrowing climax.
- Creepy
- Disturbing
- Gory
- Tense
Ryo Ishibashias Shigeharu Aoyama
Eihi Shiinaas Asami Yamazaki
Tetsu Sawakias Shigehiko Aoyama
Jun Kunimuraas Yasuhisa Yoshikawa
Renji Ishibashias Old man in wheelchair