A Patch of Blue
A blind white teenager, sheltered by her sleazy mother, falls in love with a kind young black man.
When Selina D'Arcey (Elizabeth Hartman), a blind young white woman, befriends Gordon Ralfe (Sidney Poitier), a black office worker, their budding relationship eventually leads to romance. However, once Selina's insensitive and abusive mother, Rose-Ann (Shelley Winters), finds out about Gordon, she becomes determined to keep the couple apart. With its stirring story of interracial love, this thoughtful film fittingly reflects the civil rights movement of the era.
Sidney Poitieras Gordon Ralfe
Shelley Wintersas Rose-Ann D'Arcey
Elizabeth Hartmanas Selina D'Arcey
Wallace Fordas Ole Pa
Ivan Dixonas Mark Ralfe