After the Sunset
An FBI agent thinks a thief and his girlfriend will try to steal a diamond from a cruise ship.
Having already stolen two from the set of three priceless Napoleon Diamonds, expert jewel thief Max Burdett (Pierce Brosnan) decides to retire on a tropical island with his girlfriend and partner-in-crime, Lola (Salma Hayek). Fate intervenes, however, when Max discovers the third and final diamond is sitting on a docked cruise ship on his very island. It should be a simple job, but FBI agent Stan Lloyd (Woody Harrelson) shows up to make sure Max doesn't get any ideas.
Pierce Brosnanas Max Burdett
Salma Hayekas Lola Cirillo
Woody Harrelsonas Stan Lloyd
Don Cheadleas Henri Mooré
Naomie Harrisas Sophie