Children, Adventure, Musical, Comedy, Animated100 Mins2011PG
Mumble (Elijah Wood) the penguin, now called the Master of Tap, has an unusual problem: Erik, his son, is reluctant to dance. Erik runs away from home and encounters the Mighty Sven (Hank Azaria) -- a penguin that can fly. Poor Mumble can't compete with Erik's unusual new role model. But, when the world is shaken by powerful forces, Erik gets a chance to see his father's true colors as Mumble gathers all creatures great and small to set things right again.
- Amusing
- Profound
- Madcap
- Witty
Elijah Woodas Mumble
Robin Williamsas Ramon/Lovelace
Hank Azariaas The Mighty Sven
Alecia Moore (P!nk)as Gloria
Brad Pittas Will the Krill