The Watch
Four members of a neighborhood-watch group uncover an alien invasion in their Ohio town.
In Glenview, Ohio, four pals -- Evan (Ben Stiller), Bob (Vince Vaughn), Franklin (Jonah Hill) and Jamarcus (Richard Ayoade) -- form a neighborhood watch group. Armed with flashlights, walkie-talkies and spiffy new jackets, the guys try to take their mission seriously, even if they spend a little time goofing off now and then. But when they discover aliens living among them, and no one believes their story, they learn that they have to kick things up a notch to save the world from annihilation.
Ben Stilleras Evan Troutwig
Vince Vaughnas Bob
Jonah Hillas Franklin
Richard Ayoadeas Jamarcus
Rosemarie DeWittas Abby