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"Capital" is a drama adaptation of Peter Bowker's best-selling novel of the same name. The story follows the impact of gentrification in a city, particularly focusing on a fictional Pepys Road in South London. Stars featured in the series include Toby Jones as investment banker Roger; Gemma Jones and Lesley Sharp, who play mother and daughter Petunia and Mary; and Adeel Akhtar is local newsagent Ahmed. One day, the residents receive a mysterious postcard with the words "We Want What You Have" written on it, sending the neighbors into confusion.

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Drama, MysteryTVPG

"Capital" is a drama adaptation of Peter Bowker's best-selling novel of the same name. The story follows the impact of gentrification in a city, particularly focusing on a fictional Pepys Road in South London. Stars featured in the series include Toby Jones as investment banker Roger; Gemma Jones and Lesley Sharp, who play mother and daughter Petunia and Mary; and Adeel Akhtar is local newsagent Ahmed. One day, the residents receive a mysterious postcard with the words "We Want What You Have" written on it, sending the neighbors into confusion.


  • Brooding
  • Emotional
  • Intense


  • Gemma Jonesas Petunia

    Gemma Jonesas Petunia

  • Lesley Sharpas Mary

    Lesley Sharpas Mary

  • Adeel Akhtaras Ahmed

    Adeel Akhtaras Ahmed

  • Danny Ashokas Shahid

    Danny Ashokas Shahid

  • Mona Goodwinas Rohinka

    Mona Goodwinas Rohinka