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Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart

This high-octane animated series from creator Parker Simmons follows the adventures of Sheriff Mao Mao, a samurai cat with a hankering for derring-do who becomes waylaid in Pure Heart Valley along with his slacker best friend, Badgerclops. Led by King Snugglemagne, the Sweety Pies of Pure Heart are cute and cuddly, but otherwise pretty much helpless. Luckily, the residents have the heroic Mao Mao, oafish Badgerclops, and new adorable sidekick Adorabat to protect them from monsters, villains and all kinds of bad stuff.

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Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart


Children, Action, Comedy, AnimatedTVY7

This high-octane animated series from creator Parker Simmons follows the adventures of Sheriff Mao Mao, a samurai cat with a hankering for derring-do who becomes waylaid in Pure Heart Valley along with his slacker best friend, Badgerclops. Led by King Snugglemagne, the Sweety Pies of Pure Heart are cute and cuddly, but otherwise pretty much helpless. Luckily, the residents have the heroic Mao Mao, oafish Badgerclops, and new adorable sidekick Adorabat to protect them from monsters, villains and all kinds of bad stuff.


  • Amusing
  • Cheeky
  • Offbeat
  • Lighthearted
  • Playful


  • Parker Simmonsas Mao Mao/King Snugglemagne

    Parker Simmonsas Mao Mao/King Snugglemagne

  • Griffith Kimminsas Badgerclops

    Griffith Kimminsas Badgerclops

  • Lika Leongas Adorabat

    Lika Leongas Adorabat