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Infinity Train

Following on the success of "Regular Show", Cartoon Network show creator Owen Dennis introduces a new animated series highlighting the adventures of a preteen and her robot companion. Tulip Owens is a 13-year-old girl who aspires to become a computer game programmer but finds herself trapped on a train one day and is looking for a way out. She meets a robot called One-One, which consists of two spherical robots containing contrasting personalities that can combine into the shape of a basketball. Together they search the train, meeting a cast of strange characters along the way and hoping to find clues that will help Tulip find her way home.

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Infinity Train


Children, Adventure, Fantasy, Science fiction, AnimatedTVPG

Following on the success of "Regular Show", Cartoon Network show creator Owen Dennis introduces a new animated series highlighting the adventures of a preteen and her robot companion. Tulip Owens is a 13-year-old girl who aspires to become a computer game programmer but finds herself trapped on a train one day and is looking for a way out. She meets a robot called One-One, which consists of two spherical robots containing contrasting personalities that can combine into the shape of a basketball. Together they search the train, meeting a cast of strange characters along the way and hoping to find clues that will help Tulip find her way home.


  • Cheeky
  • Creative
  • Intricate
  • Madcap


  • Ashley Johnsonas Tulip Van Helsing

    Ashley Johnsonas Tulip Van Helsing

  • Owen Dennisas Sad-One

    Owen Dennisas Sad-One

  • Jeremy Crutchleyas Glad-One

    Jeremy Crutchleyas Glad-One

  • Ernie Hudsonas Atticus

    Ernie Hudsonas Atticus