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One Day at a Time

This comedy-drama is inspired by Norman Lear's 1975 series of the same name. This time around, the series follows the life of Penelope, a newly single Army veteran, and her Cuban-American family, as they navigate the ups and downs of life. Now a nurse, Penelope is raising two strong-willed children. When faced with challenges, Penelope turns to her "old-school" mother, and her building manager, who has become an invaluable confidant. The series offers a contemporary take on what life looks like in both good and bad times, and how loved ones can help make it all worthwhile.

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One Day at a Time


Comedy dramaTVPG

This comedy-drama is inspired by Norman Lear's 1975 series of the same name. This time around, the series follows the life of Penelope, a newly single Army veteran, and her Cuban-American family, as they navigate the ups and downs of life. Now a nurse, Penelope is raising two strong-willed children. When faced with challenges, Penelope turns to her "old-school" mother, and her building manager, who has become an invaluable confidant. The series offers a contemporary take on what life looks like in both good and bad times, and how loved ones can help make it all worthwhile.


  • Charming
  • Emotional
  • Heartwarming
  • Touching


  • Rita Morenoas Lydia Riera

    Rita Morenoas Lydia Riera

  • Justina Machadoas Penelope Alvarez

    Justina Machadoas Penelope Alvarez

  • Stephen Tobolowskyas Dr. Leslie Berkowitz

    Stephen Tobolowskyas Dr. Leslie Berkowitz

  • Todd Grinnellas Schneider

    Todd Grinnellas Schneider

  • Isabella Gomezas Elena Alvarez

    Isabella Gomezas Elena Alvarez