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South Park

The animated series is not for children. In fact, its goal seems to be to offend as many as possible as it presents the adventures of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. The show has taken on Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, politicians of every stripe and self-important celebrities. Oh, and Kenny is killed in many episodes.

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South Park


Sitcom, AnimatedTVMA

The animated series is not for children. In fact, its goal seems to be to offend as many as possible as it presents the adventures of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. The show has taken on Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, politicians of every stripe and self-important celebrities. Oh, and Kenny is killed in many episodes.


  • Outlandish
  • Unrestrained


  • Trey Parkeras Stan Marsh/Eric Cartman/Mr. Mackey/Stephen Abootman/Phillip

    Trey Parkeras Stan Marsh/Eric Cartman/Mr. Mackey/Stephen Abootman/Phillip

  • Matt Stoneas Kyle Broflovski/Craig Tucker/Butters/Terrance

    Matt Stoneas Kyle Broflovski/Craig Tucker/Butters/Terrance

  • Trey ParkerDirector

    Trey ParkerDirector