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Food Obsessed

If there is one thing in the world that brings people together -- its food. Food lovers unite around the world with their appetites in full force to dig into the tastiest meals in the world. The team at "Food Obsessed" heads to various locales to test out extraordinary edibles. They search for the cheesiest dish in America, the most delicious and creative pizza concoctions, oodles and oodles of noodles, everything fried and fair food, the greatest hot dogs, among many, many more delicious delectables.

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Food Obsessed


Cooking, TravelTVG

If there is one thing in the world that brings people together -- its food. Food lovers unite around the world with their appetites in full force to dig into the tastiest meals in the world. The team at "Food Obsessed" heads to various locales to test out extraordinary edibles. They search for the cheesiest dish in America, the most delicious and creative pizza concoctions, oodles and oodles of noodles, everything fried and fair food, the greatest hot dogs, among many, many more delicious delectables.


  • Passionate
  • Incredible
  • Amusing
  • Lighthearted
  • Fascinating