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Raising Wild

Discovery Channel's reality series, "Raising Wild," follows the Hines family as they leave suburban life behind to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to become homesteaders. The Hines family is a typical suburban family struggling with the distractions of modern technology. However, family patriarch Brett Hines dreams of creating a homestead completely off the grid in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. Brett believes this adventure will bring his family closer together. He is a former U.S. Army counter-intelligence officer and contractor who will use his skills to help secure food, power and heat for survival. Brett and his wife, Wendy, begin their new lives in the remote wilderness with their children Michael, Nathan, Sarah, her husband, Drew, Joshua, Evelyn, Ariel and Daniel. As winter closes in, they must rely on teamwork and help from eccentric neighbors to realize their American Dream.

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Raising Wild


Reality, Documentary, Adventure, NatureTVPG

Discovery Channel's reality series, "Raising Wild," follows the Hines family as they leave suburban life behind to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to become homesteaders. The Hines family is a typical suburban family struggling with the distractions of modern technology. However, family patriarch Brett Hines dreams of creating a homestead completely off the grid in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. Brett believes this adventure will bring his family closer together. He is a former U.S. Army counter-intelligence officer and contractor who will use his skills to help secure food, power and heat for survival. Brett and his wife, Wendy, begin their new lives in the remote wilderness with their children Michael, Nathan, Sarah, her husband, Drew, Joshua, Evelyn, Ariel and Daniel. As winter closes in, they must rely on teamwork and help from eccentric neighbors to realize their American Dream.


  • Inspiring
  • Confident
  • Engaging
  • Gutsy
  • Tender


  • Brett HinesActor

    Brett HinesActor