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The Simpsons

This long-running animated comedy focuses on the eponymous family in the town of Springfield in an unnamed U.S. state. The head of the Simpson family, Homer, is not a typical family man. A nuclear-plant employee, he does his best to lead his family but often finds that they are leading him. The family includes loving, blue-haired matriarch Marge, troublemaking son Bart, overachieving daughter Lisa and baby Maggie. Other Springfield residents include the family's religious neighbor, Ned Flanders, family physician Dr. Hibbert, Moe the bartender and police chief Clancy Wiggum.

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The Simpsons


Sitcom, AnimatedTVPG

This long-running animated comedy focuses on the eponymous family in the town of Springfield in an unnamed U.S. state. The head of the Simpson family, Homer, is not a typical family man. A nuclear-plant employee, he does his best to lead his family but often finds that they are leading him. The family includes loving, blue-haired matriarch Marge, troublemaking son Bart, overachieving daughter Lisa and baby Maggie. Other Springfield residents include the family's religious neighbor, Ned Flanders, family physician Dr. Hibbert, Moe the bartender and police chief Clancy Wiggum.


  • Hilarious
  • Witty
  • Spirited


  • Dan Castellanetaas Homer Jay Simpson/Barney Gumble/Grampa Simpson/Mayor Joe Quimby/Krusty the Klown/Groundskeeper Willie

    Dan Castellanetaas Homer Jay Simpson/Barney Gumble/Grampa Simpson/Mayor Joe Quimby/Krusty the Klown/Groundskeeper Willie

  • Julie Kavneras Marjorie Bouvier Simpson/ Patty Bouvier/Selma Bouvier/Grandma Jackie Bouvier

    Julie Kavneras Marjorie Bouvier Simpson/ Patty Bouvier/Selma Bouvier/Grandma Jackie Bouvier

  • Nancy Cartwrightas Bartholomew Jo-Jo "Bart" Simpson/Nelson Muntz

    Nancy Cartwrightas Bartholomew Jo-Jo "Bart" Simpson/Nelson Muntz

  • Yeardley Smithas Lisa Marie Simpson

    Yeardley Smithas Lisa Marie Simpson

  • Hank Azariaas Moe Szyslak/Apu Nahasapeemapetilon/Chief Clancy Wiggum/Dr. Nick Riviera

    Hank Azariaas Moe Szyslak/Apu Nahasapeemapetilon/Chief Clancy Wiggum/Dr. Nick Riviera