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Bored to Death

This offbeat comedy series stars Jason Schwartzman as young writer Jonathan Ames, who turns his fantasies culled from reading suspense novels into a moonlighting stint as a private detective in Brooklyn, N.Y. As he begins working cases, though, Jonathan finds his crumbling personal life getting in the way of his clients' expectations, not to mention his needy boss, magazine editor George Christopher, interfering with his new career. His best friend, struggling graphic artist Ray, offers advice and a shoulder to lean on. Author Jonathan Ames created the series.

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Bored to Death



This offbeat comedy series stars Jason Schwartzman as young writer Jonathan Ames, who turns his fantasies culled from reading suspense novels into a moonlighting stint as a private detective in Brooklyn, N.Y. As he begins working cases, though, Jonathan finds his crumbling personal life getting in the way of his clients' expectations, not to mention his needy boss, magazine editor George Christopher, interfering with his new career. His best friend, struggling graphic artist Ray, offers advice and a shoulder to lean on. Author Jonathan Ames created the series.


  • Amusing
  • Quirky


  • Jason Schwartzmanas Jonathan Ames

    Jason Schwartzmanas Jonathan Ames

  • Ted Dansonas George Christopher

    Ted Dansonas George Christopher

  • Zach Galifianakisas Ray Hueston

    Zach Galifianakisas Ray Hueston