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In this animated series, Todd is a boy with an active imagination and a talking dog, Benny. The boy, his friends and Benny live in ToddWorld, a place where humans, animals and even an occasional alien interact. Todd is the show's narrator who tells about events that happen to him and his friends. Based on a series of children's books by Todd Parr, "ToddWorld" features a unique animation style that includes bright colors, bold lines and whimsical detail. Episodes often teach young viewers about topics like tolerance, diversity and acceptance.

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Children, Adventure, Educational, AnimatedTVY

In this animated series, Todd is a boy with an active imagination and a talking dog, Benny. The boy, his friends and Benny live in ToddWorld, a place where humans, animals and even an occasional alien interact. Todd is the show's narrator who tells about events that happen to him and his friends. Based on a series of children's books by Todd Parr, "ToddWorld" features a unique animation style that includes bright colors, bold lines and whimsical detail. Episodes often teach young viewers about topics like tolerance, diversity and acceptance.


  • Charming
  • Cheery
  • Creative


  • Ryan Hirakidaas Todd

    Ryan Hirakidaas Todd

  • Peter Kelamisas Pickle

    Peter Kelamisas Pickle