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Chloe's Closet

This animated series features the adventures of 4-year-old Chloe with her friends and toys. The group goes on magical adventures in Chloe's closet (hence the show's title). Being a children's show, the episodes aim to teach kids lessons about such topics as friends, cooperation and sharing. Chloe's friends include best friend Jet, Tara, Daniela (nicknamed "Danny"), Riley, Lil and Lil's younger brother, Mac.

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Chloe's Closet


Children, Fantasy, Educational, AnimatedTVY

This animated series features the adventures of 4-year-old Chloe with her friends and toys. The group goes on magical adventures in Chloe's closet (hence the show's title). Being a children's show, the episodes aim to teach kids lessons about such topics as friends, cooperation and sharing. Chloe's friends include best friend Jet, Tara, Daniela (nicknamed "Danny"), Riley, Lil and Lil's younger brother, Mac.


  • Charming
  • Cool
  • Creative