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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

This groundbreaking series from executive producer Dick Wolf's "Law & Order" franchise chronicles the ripped-from-the-headlines investigations of the NYPD's Special Victims Unit. Led by courageous and compassionate Capt. Olivia Benson, this elite team includes Sgt. Odafin Tutuola, Detective Amanda Rollins, Officer Katriona Tamin and Deputy Chief Christian Garland, who focus on finding justice for the victims of the city's worst crimes. Assisting them is ADA Sonny Carisi, who seeks justice for SVU's victims and survivors with passion and precision.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Crime drama, Drama, Action, ThrillerTV14

This groundbreaking series from executive producer Dick Wolf's "Law & Order" franchise chronicles the ripped-from-the-headlines investigations of the NYPD's Special Victims Unit. Led by courageous and compassionate Capt. Olivia Benson, this elite team includes Sgt. Odafin Tutuola, Detective Amanda Rollins, Officer Katriona Tamin and Deputy Chief Christian Garland, who focus on finding justice for the victims of the city's worst crimes. Assisting them is ADA Sonny Carisi, who seeks justice for SVU's victims and survivors with passion and precision.


  • Brooding
  • Engaging
  • Suspenseful
  • Gritty
  • Intense
  • Emotional


  • Mariska Hargitayas Capt. Olivia Benson

    Mariska Hargitayas Capt. Olivia Benson

  • Ice-Tas Sgt. Odafin Tutuola

    Ice-Tas Sgt. Odafin Tutuola

  • Kelli Giddishas Detective Amanda Rollins

    Kelli Giddishas Detective Amanda Rollins

  • Peter Scanavinoas ADA Sonny Carisi

    Peter Scanavinoas ADA Sonny Carisi

  • Jamie Gray Hyderas Officer Katriona "Kat" Azar Tamin

    Jamie Gray Hyderas Officer Katriona "Kat" Azar Tamin