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Peppa Pig

"Peppa Pig" follows the adventures of the titular, anthropomorphic animal along with her family and friends. Each of her friends is a different kind of animal -- with a last name matching the type of animal each is. Although they are humanlike in many ways, the characters still display characteristics of their species -- such as the Rabbit family being fixated with carrots.

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Peppa Pig


Children, Adventure, Entertainment, AnimatedTVY

"Peppa Pig" follows the adventures of the titular, anthropomorphic animal along with her family and friends. Each of her friends is a different kind of animal -- with a last name matching the type of animal each is. Although they are humanlike in many ways, the characters still display characteristics of their species -- such as the Rabbit family being fixated with carrots.


  • Uplifting
  • Amusing
  • Playful
  • Lighthearted
  • Heartwarming
  • Endearing


  • John SparkesNarrator

    John SparkesNarrator

  • Amelie Bea Smithas Peppa Pig

    Amelie Bea Smithas Peppa Pig

  • Richard Ridingsas Daddy Pig

    Richard Ridingsas Daddy Pig

  • Morwenna Banksas Mummy Pig

    Morwenna Banksas Mummy Pig

  • Oliver Mayas George Pig

    Oliver Mayas George Pig