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An ensemble sitcom focusing on a mixed batch of black women who face life's tests and triumphs together. From dating to divorce and friends to family to relationships, Joan, Maya, Lynn and Toni support each other despite their differing backgrounds, learning about true friendship in the process.

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An ensemble sitcom focusing on a mixed batch of black women who face life's tests and triumphs together. From dating to divorce and friends to family to relationships, Joan, Maya, Lynn and Toni support each other despite their differing backgrounds, learning about true friendship in the process.


  • Emotional
  • Lighthearted


  • Tracee Ellis Rossas Joan Clayton

    Tracee Ellis Rossas Joan Clayton

  • Golden Brooksas Maya Wilkes

    Golden Brooksas Maya Wilkes

  • Persia Whiteas Lynn Searcry

    Persia Whiteas Lynn Searcry

  • Reggie Hayesas William Dent

    Reggie Hayesas William Dent

  • Jill Marie Jonesas Antoinette 'Toni' Marie Childress Garrett

    Jill Marie Jonesas Antoinette 'Toni' Marie Childress Garrett