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Nature Cat

This animated series centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors. Once his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures that allow him to explore the natural world. The series is voiced by comic actors, including "Saturday Night Live" alums Taran Killam (Nature Cat), Kate McKinnon (Squeeks), Bobby Moynihan (Hal) and Kenan Thompson (Ronald). Kate Micucci rounds out the cast as Daisy.

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Nature Cat


Children, Entertainment, Educational, AnimatedTVY

This animated series centers on house cat Fred, a dreamer of the great outdoors. Once his family leaves for the day, Fred becomes Nature Cat and with the help of his animal friends, he embarks on action-packed adventures that allow him to explore the natural world. The series is voiced by comic actors, including "Saturday Night Live" alums Taran Killam (Nature Cat), Kate McKinnon (Squeeks), Bobby Moynihan (Hal) and Kenan Thompson (Ronald). Kate Micucci rounds out the cast as Daisy.


  • Charming
  • Cheeky
  • Creative


  • Taran Killamas Nature Cat

    Taran Killamas Nature Cat

  • Kate McKinnonas Squeeks

    Kate McKinnonas Squeeks

  • Bobby Moynihanas Hal

    Bobby Moynihanas Hal

  • Kenan Thompsonas Ronald

    Kenan Thompsonas Ronald

  • Kate Micuccias Daisy

    Kate Micuccias Daisy