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Magical Girl Friendship Squad

"Magical Girl Friendship Squad" follows a pair of women who are stuck between saving the world and just trying to make ends meet. A little red panda named Nut arrives in the apartment of two directionless women and bestows upon them powers to save the world. However, Alex and Daisy are polar opposites -- one is trying to catch a career break, while the other is a passionate slacker with a love of pop culture. The two must get their lives in line to be able to save the world from otherworldly threats.

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Magical Girl Friendship Squad


Adventure, Action, AnimatedTVMA

"Magical Girl Friendship Squad" follows a pair of women who are stuck between saving the world and just trying to make ends meet. A little red panda named Nut arrives in the apartment of two directionless women and bestows upon them powers to save the world. However, Alex and Daisy are polar opposites -- one is trying to catch a career break, while the other is a passionate slacker with a love of pop culture. The two must get their lives in line to be able to save the world from otherworldly threats.


  • Quinta Brunsonas Alex

    Quinta Brunsonas Alex

  • Anna Akanaas Daisy

    Anna Akanaas Daisy

  • Ana Gasteyeras Nut

    Ana Gasteyeras Nut

  • Matteo Laneas Corvin

    Matteo Laneas Corvin